Script Formatting

If you’re struggling with the formatting of your script, go to the template script (‣) and copy and paste which component you need.

Revision History

You can revise the changes of your scripts by using the ‘updates’ feature.

  1. Move your cursor to the top right of the screen and click on the clock icon.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 17.37.35.png

  1. Search through the list of updates to find the version you wish to revert to.
  2. Click the clock icon on the change you want to revert to.
  3. Click ‘Restore Version’.


You can add comments to elements of your scripts, and also tag your co-writers.

  1. Highlight the element of text you wish to comment on.
  2. A menu should pop-up above the text. Click on ‘Comment’.
  3. Write your comment and tag any co-writers with the ‘@’ symbol.